Recession in Escort Business

Is recession in escort business possible? Well, it’s a matter of economists and economic gurus to think of formulas and find the dependence of world and UK economies on businesses in the UK. We are here to share with you the truth of escort business profit at better and worse economic times. 

David Cameron called on companies recently to give their workers a pay rise – signs of economic recovery after all shouldn’t just profit the fat cats.

Hear, hear – I say. We all had to share in the bad times, so why shouldn’t we share in the good? But is the escort business subject to the same economic downturns as normal businesses suffer, I hear you ask…

Let me put on my economy hat and report to you my findings.


I’ve been working in this industry since 2010 for Lilyfields London escorts, so you could say I entered the UK escort business at the height of the recession. Although the recession was supposed to be over in the US in 2009, in 2010, the UK was experiencing the full effects of recession at that time.

So, in theory people were cutting back and you might think a high-end luxury service such as the one I offer, would be affected.

Well, it was and it wasn’t. In the business of escorting you get different kinds of clients. You get the kind of client who treats an escort appointment as a one-off – an infrequent occurrence he or she saves up for, budgets for and then treats himself to.

Then there are the regular clients who see escorts as providing vital services to them, and services where the costs can be justified.

Finally there are the very wealthy individuals who view luxury and beautiful women as commodities, and whose money and

I encountered plenty of those kinds of clients in my early days at Lilyfields London escorts. It has certainly been my experience that there are people out there who are recession-proof and that the economic downturn didn’t impact on them and the lifestyles they lead.

Luckily for me, huh?!

But the last year or so has seen changes in the kids of clients I’m seeing. The super-rich guys aren’t the only or the majority of people I see these days. I’m seeing more of the one-off clients (and I always hope that their experience with me will turn them from one-offs to regulars), my regulars are making more frequent bookings, and I’m just seeing more ordinary Joes in general.

In short, I guess you could say I have definitely seen the green shoots of economic recovery. And I’m glad the escort clients of the UK are benefiting!