Champagne Dates with Escorts

There’re a lot of things that Lilyfields escorts are fond of doing in a company of their clients. And something they will never miss is a couple of glasses of champagne. All the girls of the agency are drink conscious and they never overdo with alcohol. And what can be more pleasant than a couple of glasses of champagne or wine with a real gentleman? 

It seems the whole world has been doing Dry January – well, a good proportion of my clients seem to be!.

Dry January (in case you have been living on Mars for the last few weeks) is where people give up alcohol for a whole month after the excesses of the festive season and then donate money to a good cause.


Like most London escorts I approve, of course, of any kinds of activity that encourage healthy living AND donations to charity (you could say I’m a tart with a heart!), but Dry January?

No thank you!

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not a big drinker. I don’t need alcohol to have a good time. I’ve always loved dancing and chatting so for me, when I go out with clients or my girlfriends, dancing and chatting are what comes first and what is most important.

I need to look good too, so large intakes of alcohol aren’t great for your appearance. Alcohol makes you bloated and it isn’t great for the skin. Certainly, if I’m going to be doing a photo shoot then I make sure I haven’t had a drink for at least a week beforehand.

Then I know my skin will be clear and my eyes bright. Try it before a big event ladies.

I know there are some escorts who depend on alcohol and/or drugs to get them through their jobs, but I’m not one of them. I love my job, I love my clients and I always feel safe with what I’m doing.

But if a client wants to buy me a glass of champagne or two (and they often reckon London escorts are best champagne dates), then who am I to object? I’ve been told by numerous clients that I sip champagne in a very erotic way.

I don’t MEAN to be erotic. I just am! There is something about the cool fizziness which forces one into sipping in an elegant, seductive way I find.

My clients who have been doing Dry January cite various reasons, the most common one being health. But as health, happy escort myself, I don’t need it.